
Projects under C4DI

We provided technical consultation to identify the most feasible and cost-effective option as raw water input for Proposed Desalination Plant at INS Valsura in Jamnagar. Through the help of satellite imagery and GIS system we provided optimal route for pipeline design and layout plan along with the most suitable location for constructing desalination plant.

Gujarat Forest Department conduct various activities for the maintenance and conservation of forest areas and preserving soil moisture is one of the activities. It includes construction of check dams and other water reservoirs. We provided technical assistance in making the inventory of GHG emission sources for soil moisture conservation activities and helped the client in the estimation of their carbon footprint along with providing mitigation solutions to reduce the carbon footprint.

Afforestation and plantation activities are one of the core activities of the forest department. While executing afforestation efforts, all steps are involved which emits greenhouse gas. For the proposed project, we provided technical assistance in calculating GHG emissions for plantations related activities along with nursery development activities. This helped the client in identifying ghg emission hotspots and also calculating the requirement to make the process of plantation carbon neutral.

Vulnerability assessment is essential for policy makers and decision makers especially while drafting developmental strategies. We carried out a rigorous study on the climatic impact on Rajkot Municipality and identified various vulnerabilities. As a part of the study, our team also drafted a plan of action to build resilience and reduce vulnerability through strategic interventions.

With the increasing demand for mitigating climate change, governments are looking for low carbon pathways for the future development of the cities. We carried out a comprehensive study on Bengaluru’s GHG emissions and helped Mahanagar Palike build an emission profile. This study helped in the development of alternative pathways for low carbon growth of the city.

Industrial sector plays a very important role in a country’s economy and often comes into discussions as a source of emissions. Our study conducted for Naroda Industrial Association focused on impact of climate change on industrial sector. Increased temperature, extreme events have made the industrial infrastructure vulnerable to climate change. We helped the industrial association in identifying such threats and provided solutions to adapt to the increasing climatic pressure.

As a part of resilience building exercise, we assessed infrastructure, populations, and systems exposed to natural disasters, economic shocks, or social inequalities. From aging bridges to underprivileged communities, we mapped every chink in the armour. This helped in identify the vulnerable soft spots in the urban infrastructure of Rajkot and Ahmedabad cities and come up with solutions/strategies to address these vulnerabilities and developing a resilience plan for the cities.

The proposed study focused on three aspects environmental, financial, and social. We mapped the waters, analysing physical factors like water quality, land suitability, and climate. Are currents strong enough for open pens? Will soil sustain pond aquaculture? Can tidal variations be harnessed? What species thrive here? Do consumers crave them? Can supply chains handle the haul? We assess transportation, cold storage, and processing needs, plotting the journey from pond to plate. Social currents matter too. Can local communities embrace aquaculture? Do we have skilled workers, or will training be needed? Potential environmental impacts require a deep dive. Can waste be managed sustainably? Will native species be protected?